Not long after Christmas there was a great deal of excitement in my
small part of the world. A pod of
roughly 20 killer whales were trapped in Hudson’s Bay about 30kms away from
Inukjuak. The wind, tide, and ice
had shifted, trapped the whales and preventing them from reaching the open
water. The whales had only a small
area open as a breathing hole with pack ice and ice floes on all sides. The questions and rumors flew quickly around the school and town about where the whales had come from, what had caused them to become stuck in the ice, and what was to be their fate. The foremost desire of many of the students and their teachers was to find a way to go out onto the Bay and see these beautiful animals in the wild; a first for many.
Early that afternoon I was bringing my sister to the airport to catch a flight home after her New Years visit to the Arctic and while we were checking her in there was even debate over whether they could convince the pilot to make a small detour over the area where the whales were stuck so that the passengers could catch a glimpse before winging their way south. As I drove back to town after seeing Kat off, there were a number of skidoos and snow machines heading out of town across the ice as the afternoon light was beginning to fade. A number of people from town were heading out to get a look at the trapped whales and the rest wanting to do the same. The difficulty lay in the route. The breathing hole where the whales were trapped was out on the edge of Hudson Bay, following a track of ice and snow covered bumps. Without a guide or a good knowledge of the right way to go, a person could very easily get lost on the ice. These are what had stopped many of the teachers from venturing out after school; that and the fact that the sun was already setting by the time classes got out. But the thought of "wouldn't it be incredible to be able to see the whales" still remained in our thoughts.

That evening, photos and videos started circulating online
and interest to go out on the ice began to rise. At dinner that night, the whales were a large part of our
discussion, specifically how we could get ourselves out to see them before it
was too late. We had a skidoo, a
hamutiq (sled), and warm clothes but we needed a guide and a way to get the day
off from school. As dinner
progressed we began to rationalize how this experience would be a once in a
lifetime and wound up staging a kind of rebellion involving a flurry of phone calls, chats, and email conversation. After contacting our centre director and a number of other
teachers we decided that we had to try and get out there no matter what. Our centre director agreed to find a
guide that could take us out there and we decided that we would take a sick day
in order to make it happen. The
next morning we arrived at the school, ready to go if there was a guide to take
us, the principal was not happy with the majority of his staff taking the
morning off but there was little he could do. The group of us took the morning without pay and headed out
on the ice. The weather was not great but we had a good guide and travelled out
in convoy style for about an hour to get where the pack ice floes had trapped
the whales. After arriving at the
site, the guide reminded us to follow his directions and to watch our step on
the ice. We climbed over jagged
ridges of blue ice to the breathing hole that was being kept open by the
movement of the whales. There was
a fair size crowd being directed by several elder hunters who were checking the
ice and looking for weak spots. It
was a surreal experience standing on the edge of an ice floe, maybe 3 meters
from these giant, sleek creatures.
It was saddening to see how much the area of open water had diminished
over night as the temperature had dropped. The tide and the wind were working against the whales,
pushing the ice in, keeping the whales prisoner, and until mother nature
changed her mind the situation was unlikely to change. It was a beautiful experience but sad
at the same time.

I was struck by the situation or even debate of what to do
about the whales. With youtube and
other Internet media sources sending the situation viral, it was interesting to
see people’s reactions. Many
believed that the government should send in a icebreaker to set them free, or
that the community should take out chain saw and cut a path free like had been
done in the movie “Miracle”. It
was interesting because it begs the question “What if”. What if the polar bear hunter had take
a different route home and had not found the trapped whales, what if the videos
had never been posted? The whales
might have gotten free or they might have died depending on the weather and
nature herself and we would never have known. People were complaining about the injustice of a pod of
killer whales being trapped and that the village had not gone out to cut them
free, but knowing nothing about the reality of the safety for the people
involved. Floating ice floes or
unstable ice trapped the whales.
It would not possible to cut a path with chainsaws ‘like the Americans’
without endangering the live of the people. As for the idea of sending in an ice breaker, should the
government ‘waste’ the money to fee a few whales when there are social problems
in the North that are in dire need of aid.
In the end, the village decided to send out volunteers to
break up enough ice to keep the breathing hole free until the weather shifted,
Mother Nature decided the matter for us.
During the night, the wind and tide shifted allowing the whales to find
enough channels and free water to escape their temporary prison. As quickly as
the excitement has begun it was over and village life went back to normal. I will never forget the feeling of
standing on an ice on Hudson’s Bay no more than 3 meters away from a killer