I keep getting updates on what the girls are getting done while I am class, and I must say “wow” they are efficient. I have been slowly compiling a list of documents and legal stuff I need to need together before we take off. It’s always interesting and frustrating to realize how much legal crap you need to travel to another country, even if it is just across the border from us. I think in some ways the USA may be more tight than other countries I have visited. I understand why but for heaven’s sake we are family (one that is one friendly terms. I am still making sure that I have a letter from the parents stating their permission to take my younger sisters across the border. It just seems safer somehow. On another note, sent off for the new passport today, as always my picture makes me look like a snob, but what are you supposed to do when the photographer keeps telling you “don’t smile, no expression”. Sigh...
About Me

- travelingteachergirl
- Inukjuak, Quebec, Canada
- Always up for a new adventure. I love Musicals, photography, my family, road trips, and beads. So far I have been fortunate enough to teach in Japan, South Korea, Kenya, and the Canadian Arctic. Currently in my 5th year in the frozen North and up for any new adventure.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Plans being laid - Tuesday, March 16, 2010
March break is being put to good use, well depending to your point of view. As a teacher my time was not as well used as it could have been as I did not get enough of my marking done. However in terms of planning it was an excellent way to pass the time. Maps were laid out, cities were googled, hotels and attractions were mulled over and compared. And just for the fun of it a list was made of the weird, big, and odd along our route...choices, choices, so much fun.
Thank Goodness for the Internet - Friday, February 26, 2010
It’s amazing what you can accomplish online. I’ve been in the wilds of Africa for the past 3 weeks and the girls have been exchanging a flurry of emails about the trip. Where, what, and hows. With all of us in different parts of the country email in essential way for us to exchange info. Checking my email in Nairobi, I was amazed at what they had all accomplished while I was gone. Looking good ladies :)
Give a Day to Disney - Tuesday, February 9, 2010
When I was living in Japan I had the chance to visit Tokyo Disneyland. It was a fun filled day of rides, food, and silly characters. A and E have also been to Disneyland in California many times but the younger girls never have. So we decided that Disneyland was a place we wanted to go, after all this is a trip that may not happen again. A told us about the newest promotion from Disney called “Give a Day to Disney”. The idea being that you volunteer for a local charity or group and Disney gives you a voucher for a day pass at one of their parks. What a great idea! Now the decision was where to volunteer, our problem being we don’t all live in the same city anymore. R was on the ball and started scouting out charities that were associated with Disney, and what we could access from home or get us all together at a specific time and day. We hit jackpot in terms of achievability for us. We decided to volunteer with a charity that makes blankets for the homeless and those in shelters. As it is still winter we felt that this was a particularly worthy cause; there are often freezing warnings in our hometown when the shelters are open 24/7 to ensure that people have somewhere warm to go, but there are always the ones that refuse to go to a shelter. Making blankets seemed like a good thing to do just for the cause itself; getting a pass to Disneyland was really a bonus as we felt great about giving our time. Kinda gave us all a warm fuzzy feeling :) if you will pardon the pun.
An Idea Born - Friday, December 25, 2009
Here we are on Christmas, too stuffed with turkey to move. After all the family phone calls it is decided that definite plans need to be made. It has been far too long since we have been to see Amy and Eldon which means...ROAD TRIP!!!! Our plans at the moment are still sketchy but we are gonna drive out to see them this summer and have some fun along the way.
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